
  • We know the world is moving towards electrification - it’s cheaper and better for the environment.

    Switching fossil fuel powered cars and appliances with efficient, electric machines run on renewable energy will save Australian households thousands of dollars a year on energy costs and drastically reduce our domestic carbon emissions. 

    Yet to rapidly retrofit and electrify Australia’s housing stock will present a number of challenges. Not least that our grid was designed for a fossil fuel past and our houses and behaviours are all different.  

    The energy transition is happening now and we need to work out how to do it best. We have the choice to go about it the slow and expensive way - or we can do this Pilot project in our community to understand and demonstrate how to do it faster and smarter. 

    This extraordinary world-first project will help fast forward to our smart, electric future while bringing a range of benefits to local households.

  • The main objectives of the Pilot is to identify, analyse and remove the barriers of electrifying homes and the integration with the grid at the local level to accelerate electrification at the national level.  

    At the end of the Pilot, we’re hoping we have close to 500 homes fully or mostly electrified, that is, to have electric hot water, heating, cooking, and where possible rooftop solar and a battery.

    These homes will enjoy the ongoing benefits of reduced energy bills and healthier homes, whilst supporting our local economy and participating in a critical study into our future energy system.  

    The electrification of these 500 homes will attempt to answer some of these key questions:  

    1. What are the motivators and barriers for people deciding to electrify?   

    1. What can we learn from one real world community that can be applied to the rest of the nation?  

    1. How can energy savings be increased for consumers and financial packages be offered to encourage greater uptake of electric appliances?   

    1. How can we prepare our homes and our grid for a future of greater uptake of electric appliances and cars?   

    1. Can we make our energy system not just electric but smarter and more flexible with behaviour change, controllable technologies and smart tariffs?  

    1. By how much will household carbon emissions be reduced if we electrify and how will this benefit Australia?  

    1. How can we ensure that Australia’s tradespeople have the skills, knowledge and support that they need to deliver the electric appliances and homes of the future?  

    1. What are the challenges and costs of electrifying diverse housing types, with varying electrical wiring and constraints, and how can it be done more efficiently and cost effectively?  

    We will attempt to answer these questions through the collection of energy data and participant feedback, presenting the findings to government, relevant industry bodies and the community at the culmination of the Pilot in 2027.

    The findings will help reveal critical decision-making opportunities that will help fast forward to Australia’s smart, electric future. 

  • The Electrify 2515 Community Pilot is a joint project between Rewiring Australia, Brighte, and Endeavour Energy, driven and supported by a dedicated group of local volunteers.

    This Pilot has received funding from the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) as part of ARENA's Advancing Renewables Program.  

    Local tradespeople and businesses are preferred suppliers for the Pilot. 

  • The Pilot will run from October 2024 to April 2027.  

    The household upgrades will be rolled out in two stages:  

    1. Initial Stage: First 60 homes (Dec 2024 - April 2025) 

    The Pilot will then be reviewed and assessed by ARENA to determine if community support and research outputs meet the criteria to proceed to the main rollout phase.   

    1. Main Rollout Stage: 440 homes - (Aug 2025 - Apr 2026)    

    The research and analysis of participating homes will continue from Pilot launch until April 2027.

    We will report our collective impact and the results of the Pilot back to the community. 

  • The Electrify 2515 Community Pilot will support 500 diverse homes in the 2515 area. The key elements of the Pilot will be:  

    • Subsidies
      Households will be offered subsidies to update their key appliances to efficient, electric versions, and finance (eg. low interest loans) to help afford the difference.  

    • Installations
      With help from Brighte, households can choose and coordinate the installation of electric appliances in their home. Local tradespeople from the Illawarra region will be recruited to install appliances. 

    • Energy Management
      Households will be supplied with a fully subsidised smart energy device. This is a small piece of technology installed in the switchboard and paired with an app so householders can monitor and optimise their energy usage to make the most of rooftop solar or off-peak hours. This energy data will also used for the project's research on flexibility and energy behaviours.  

    • Research
      The interrelationship between consumers, appliances, energy loads, the electricity grid, installations, smart technology and education will be analysed to determine how electrification can best be rolled out and scaled up.  

Participating in the Pilot

  • All homeowners, residential landlords, renters or strata residents of properties in the 2515 postcode are eligible to apply to be part of the Pilot.   

    The 2515 postcode covers the following suburbs:  

    • Austinmer NSW 2515   

    • Clifton NSW 2515  

    • Coledale NSW 2515    

    • Scarborough NSW 2515    

    • Thirroul NSW 2515    

    • Wombarra NSW 2515  

    Priority will be given to homes that are replacing their eligible gas appliances. However, there are also opportunities for homes that are already all-electric to participate with the installation of a smart energy app and/or home battery.  

    All participants will be required to:  

    • Commit to replacing eligible gas appliances with efficient, electric appliances.   

    • Work with their chosen tradesperson to enable the installation of items within the Pilot timeframes.  

    • Consent to the Pilot research requirements, including sharing your energy and bill data with the project partners and participating in research surveys and activities. Strict privacy and data protection policies are in place to protect your personal data (insert link to policy). 

    Unfortunately, the following properties are not eligible: 

    1. Cabins, caravans, or houseboats  

    1. Business properties or community properties e.g. surf clubs, churches, sporting facilities 

  • Yes, we really want renters to apply!

    But we'll need to get your property owner to agree to participate and cover the subsidised cost of new appliances.

    If you rent, please complete the application. Include the details of your property manager or owner so we can follow up with them and advocate on your behalf. 

  • Yes! If you live in an apartment or any strata building, we encourage you to apply.

    Depending on the kind of appliance you would like, you may need to get permission from your strata.

  • First check your eligibility, then complete an application

     When your application has been received, we will email you to let you know if you have been accepted to participate.

    Securing a place in the Pilot is not a 'first come, first served' process. Households will be carefully selected by the project team to make sure the research is representative of the community.

    Households will be notified if they have been selected to participate at least ​30​​ ​days before their installation window. 

    If you receive an offer to participate, Brighte will contact you and will guide you through the next steps to arrange quotes and choose an installer.

  • People who want to replace their eligible gas appliances with efficient electric replacements will be prioritised. 

    To ensure the Pilot results reflect a range of households and demographics, we will select applicants that reflect a mix of:  

    • Building type  

    • Household Income  

    • Home ownership status (renters, landlords and owner occupiers) 

    • Existing appliance configuration  

    • Existing rooftop solar or willingness and ability to get solar  

    Securing a place in the Electrify 2515 Community Pilot is not a 'first come, first served' process.

    Households will be carefully selected by the project team to make sure the research is representative of the community. Places will be set aside for low-income households to participate in the trial, with higher subsidies available for them. 

  • If you are selected to join the Pilot program, you will receive an invitation via email at least 30 days before your scheduled installation window.

    Participants will be provided a 90 days window from their offer acceptance to complete all installations. 

    The installation of appliances will be rolled out in two stages:  

    1. Initial Stage: First 60 homes - December 2024 - April 2025  

    1. Main Rollout Stage: 440 homes - August 2025 - April 2026  

    We appreciate that your circumstances may change in the time between applying and receiving an offer of participation and we will try to let you know as soon as we reasonably can within the timeframe of the Pilot.

  • This depends on your household income bracket, and the number and type of appliances you choose to replace.

    The following subsidies will be available for the following income brackets:

    Income bracket A:
    Over $4001 a week/$208,000 a year before tax

    • Up to $1000 off the cost of each eligible appliance (maximum 50% of the installed cost).

    • Up to $1500 off the cost of a home battery (maximum 50% of the installed cost).

    • Maximum total subsidy per household: $5000.

    Income bracket B:
    $1501-$4000 a week/$78,000-$208,000 a year before tax

    • Up to $1000 off the cost of each eligible appliance (maximum 50% of the installed cost).

    • Up to $1500 off the cost of a home battery (maximum 50% of the installed cost).

    • Maximum total subsidy per household: $8000.

    Income bracket C:
    Up to $1500 a week/$78,000 a year before tax 

    • Up to $1500 off the cost of each eligible appliance (maximum 75% of the installed cost).

    • Up to $4000 off the cost of a home battery (maximum 70% of the installed cost).

    • Maximum total subsidy per household: $10,000.

  • Your out-of-pocket costs will depend on your household income-level, how many appliances you want to upgrade, and the specific appliances you choose (for example, a standard reverse cycle air conditioner vs a ducted reverse cycle air conditioner).

    In general, the co-investment from households will be between $500 and $2,500 per appliance.

    Participants in the Pilot can also apply for a Brighte Green loan to help cover the costs after subsidies.

  • By upgrading your gas appliances with efficient electric replacements, you will likely reduce your energy consumption and your energy bills - but this does depend on your individual usage and circumstances.

    Rewiring Australia analysis shows the average Australian household using gas for their cooking, hot water and heating could save up to $800 a year by switching their appliances to efficient electric ones. If they added rooftop solar that increases to $2400. With rooftop solar and a battery, they could potentially save $3,000 a year. 

  • To maximise the impact and learnings of the Pilot, all participants must consent to the Pilot research requirements, including sharing your energy use and bill data with Rewiring Australia for the term of the Pilot, and completing a series of short surveys to tell us about your experience.

    You may also be invited to join focus groups or allow a researcher to visit your home, but that is opt-in. 

    The Electrify 2515 Community Pilot partners (Rewiring Australia, Brighte and Endeavour) commit to store all personal data securely. No personal identifiable data will be shared outside the Pilot project partners. The data will be used exclusively for the intended purpose: to inform research, knowledge sharing and materials relating to the Pilot’s objectives. (Read our Privacy Policy).

    The results of the research and impact of the Pilot will be presented back to the community and relevant industry and decision-makers ​at the end of the project in 2027.

  • Once all your gas appliances have been replaced, we recommend you disconnect your gas so you don’t have to keep paying the gas daily supply fee - but the choice is yours.

    The cost of disconnecting gas from the premises will need to be covered by the household.  

    Gas main disconnection usually costs about $130 and will mean you no longer have to pay an ongoing daily supply fee.  

    You may also choose to completely remove your meter and extract gas pipes connecting to the gas main on your property (known as Service Abolishment). This costs around $1400. This is usually unnecessary, but it is often the default option when you call to discuss disconnection.  

    For more information about the pros and cons of each option, check out this article on Energy Matters.

  • Having solar panels prior, or purchasing solar panels as part of joining the program, is preferred.

    But if you can’t get solar, for example if your roof is too shady or you live in an apartment, you are still be eligible to apply and purchase the other appliances. 

  • No, having an Electric Vehicle (EV) is not required.

    If you already have an EV, or you buy an EV during the Pilot timeline, we will include this information as part of our research.

    There is also an option for participating households to purchase and install EV home chargers through the Pilot, but subsidies do not apply.

Appliances and Subsidies

  • Participating households can receive subsidies on the following items: 

    • Reverse cycle air conditioners to replace gas heaters 

    • Induction cooktops to replace gas cooktops 

    • Efficient electric hot water systems to replace a gas hot water system 

    • Home batteries to store rooftop solar energy 

    All participants will receive: 

    • A free smart energy device giving you visibility and control over your home energy use.  

    Where required, subsidies will be available for: 

    • Switchboard upgrades to support the new appliances 

  • Priority will be given to homes that want to replace all their eligible gas appliances. However, there is also opportunity for homes that are already all-electric to participate with the installation of a smart energy device and/or home battery.    

    We encourage everyone that wants to participate to apply. We understand every household is different and we want to support you on a tailored approach for your home. Depending on the mix of applications we receive, we will offer places to households in stages as the Pilot rolls out over 2025 and 2026.

  • No. Ideally, participating households will remove and upgrade all gas appliances from their home in one go. This will help ensure the application process is fair and help make installations efficient and cost-effective. 

  • Once you have been approved to participate in the Pilot program, you’ll be contacted directly by Brighte. They will guide you through the selection, quoting, and installation processes.

    As our trusted customer and installation partner, Brighte will help you find the perfect products to suit your budget and needs.

    And yes, you’ll have the freedom to choose from a wide variety of brands and models, just as you typically would.

  • Once you have been approved to participate in the Pilot program, you’ll be contacted directly by Brighte. They will guide you through the selection, quoting, and installation process.

    You can select one or more tradespeople from a panel of quality-assured professionals. They will visit your home at a convenient time to develop a proposal and quote for your chosen appliances. After that, you can choose your preferred installer to proceed with.

    If you need assistance during the quoting process, Brighte offers a dedicated support team available at a 1300 number to help you make the best choice and guide you through every step.  

    If the tradesperson you want to engage is not already accredited with Brighte, you can encourage them to become a Pilot partner.

  • No, electric cars are not included.

    The original application to ARENA included funding for electric vehicles but unfortunately they won’t be funded under the Pilot.  

    There is an option for participating households to purchase and install EV home chargers through the Pilot.

    The subsidies do not apply to the EV home chargers but if you already own an EV or are thinking of buying one, it might be convenient to purchase one through the Pilot while you are investing in other electrification upgrades.

  • Rooftop solar won’t be subsidised but can be financed and ordered through the Pilot.

    We strongly encourage people in suitable homes to install solar to maximise the long-term savings and emission reductions of electrification.

    There are also other incentives available for solar, listed on our rebates page.


  • The Pilot is being conducted in 2515 because this is where the community demand has been strongly demonstrated - but we’d love to see every community go electric and there are lots of ways to get involved. 

    • Illawarra-based residents - Rewiring Australia is working with community groups running electrification campaigns across the Illawarra and Australia, including Electrify Illawarra, Electrify Bundeena and Repower Shoalhaven. Get in touch with them and join their program of networking events and workshops. You can also search their map for existing groups and contact them directly.  

    • Illawarra-based tradespeople - We need Illawarra-based tradespeople to be part of the Pilot rollout. If you are a local plumber, electrician or HVAC installer, register now.

    • Electrification Guides - Everybody’s home is unique. Start planning your own electrification journey with our household guide.

    We’re hoping this Pilot will provide valuable insights into electrification so decision makers can support every Australian household to go electric. 

  • Great! We need Illawarra-based tradespeople to be part of the rollout and installation.

    If you are a plumber, electrician or HVAC installer, go to the Brighte Vendor Partner Page and find out what's involved in becoming a registered installer for the Pilot.

    If you’re ready to become an installer for the Pilot, start your accreditation here.